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Orient Press |
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (7)

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Off on a holiday in Scotland, one day Steven and Jodi are left alone while their mother and father are on a walk. They see a boat on the loch and when they investigate they hear some strange men who are carrying guns talk about money. This two l[...]![]()
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Two stories told by the great Turkish author, the first a murder committed by a young boy and the second a retrospective account of a young boy's difficulty of leaving his parents. This edition includes coloured illustrations and classroom exercises.![]()
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Two young scientists make a machine which looks like a man. The people who see him think he is a real man and call him Mr Wonderful. But Mike thinks he is dangerous. How and why? This five level reader contains full colour illustrations and eigh[...]![]()
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A stage one reader of Mustafa Kemal's early years of youth, the death of his father and his family poverty. İt also explains in simple English the ideas of his social reforms. This edition contains full colour illustrations and reading and langu[...]![]()
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Three stories about childhood and its first impressions of people and the things that permanently influence a child for his or her entire life.This stage four edition includes colourful illustration, and reading, vocabulary and grammar exercises.