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Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (10)

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Cet ouvrage explique chacune des étapes de la recherche d’information ainsi que la marche à suivre pour réaliser un projet de recherche. Avec cet outil, l’élève apprend à se poser les bonnes questions. Cet ouvrage favorise aussi le développement[...]![]()
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Charles Dickens, Auteur ; Terry Tomscha, Adaptateur ; Peggy Albers, Adaptateur | McGraw-Hill | Password Readers | 2005B1 Pre-Intermediate : Threshold Ebenezer Scrooge is rich but he is a mean, miserable old man with no friends. It is Christmas Eve but he's still in his office counting his money. He doesn't like Christmas - it costs too much! Later that night i[...]![]()
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Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Auteur ; Kiaran O'Malley, Adaptateur | McGraw-Hill | Picture Readers | 2006B2 Intermediate : Vantage Victor Frankenstein's happy childhood comes to an end when his mother dies. Why must we die? What is the secret of life? To find the answers to these questions Victor decides to become a scientist. His ambition is to c[...]![]()
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Literature for English contains high-interest stories by famous writers, covering a variety of genres, such as folktales, science fiction, and autobiography. Selections in the Beginning- and Intermediate-level books are divided into a number of[...]![]()
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Literature for English contains high-interest stories by famous writers, covering a variety of genres, such as folktales, science fiction, and autobiography. Selections in the Beginning- and Intermediate-level books are divided into a number of[...]![]()
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Literature for English contains high-interest stories by famous writers, covering a variety of genres, such as folktales, science fiction, and autobiography. Selections in the Beginning- and Intermediate-level books are divided into a number of[...]![]()
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Literature for English contains high-interest stories by famous writers, covering a variety of genres, such as folktales, science fiction, and autobiography. Selections in the Beginning- and Intermediate-level books are divided into a number of[...]![]()
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texte imprimé
This is a theme-based series using engaging and up-to-date reading passages to help intermediate level learners develop reading skills with a broad range of activities involving skill building, reading comprehension, vocabulary development, list[...]![]()
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This is a theme-based series using engaging and up-to-date reading passages to help high intermediate level learners develop reading skills with a broad range of activities involving skill building, reading comprehension, vocabulary development,[...]