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Auteur Noam Chomsky |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (6)

texte imprimé
New York Times'ın "yaşayan en önemli entelektüellerden" dediği Noam Chomsky'den dünyanın işleyişine dair keskin ve ezber bozan bir bakış. -1964'te, ABD hükümetinin Şili seçimlerinde kendi kayırdığı adayı seçtirmek için kişi başına harcadığı par[...]![]()
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Published as first as four short books: What Uncle Sam Really Wants (the main goal of US foreign policy; the devastation caused abroad; the brainwashing at home); The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many (the new global economy; food and Third W[...]![]()
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In "Making the Future", Noam Chomsky takes on a wide range of hot-button issues including the ongoing financial crisis, Obama's presidency, the limits of the two-party system, nuclear Iran, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine, corporate power, and the[...]![]()
Article : texte imprimé
Noam Chomsky, Auteur ; Martin Legros, Auteur |Entretien avec le philosophe Noam Chomsky sur sa vision de l'élection de Donald Trump à la présidence des Etats-Unis, sur sa vie et sur son oeuvre dédiée à l'analyse du langage. Affirmation de l'existence d'une nature humaine immuable.![]()
texte imprimé
On Palestine is Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe's indispensable update on a suffering region. Operation Protective Edge, Israel's most recent assault on Gaza, left thousands of Palestinians dead and cleared the way for another Israeli land grab. The[...]Nouveauté
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In an incisive, thorough analysis of the current international situation, Noam Chomsky examines the way that the United States, despite the rise of Europe and Asia, still largely sets the terms of global discourse. Drawing on a wide range of exa[...]