Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Jane Austen |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (19)

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Aşk ve Gurur, taşralı bir beyefendinin kızı olan Elizabeth Bennet ile varlıklı ve soylu toprak sahibi Fitzwilliam Darcy arasındaki çatışmayı anlatır. Jane Austen bu iki karakteri birbirlerinin tuzağına düşmüş kişiler gibi sunsa da, bu ilk izleni[...]Nouveauté
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Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She loves "matchmaking" - arranging marriages between her friends and neighbours in the village of Highbury. However, she often creates more heartache than happiness - and what about her own chance o[...]![]()
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Level 2 Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She lives alone with her father, and spends a lot of her time thinking about future husbands - for her friends. When she meets Harriet Smith, a poor girl with no family, Emma decides that sh[...]![]()
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Beautiful, clever, rich - and single - Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the[...]![]()
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Stage 4 Emma Woodhouse, beautiful, clever and rich, has no wish to marry, but she enjoys making matches for those around her. It was Emma who found the perfect husband for her governess Miss Taylor. So when her dear friend Mr Knightley tells he[...]![]()
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Bir taşra kasabasındaki üç genç kızın "gerçek aşk"ı arayışını anlatan roman, bir yandan insan yaradılışının zayıf yönlerini, bir yandan da 19. yüzyıl İngiliz toplumunun katı ve ikiyüzlü geleneklerini inceden inceye alaya alır.![]()
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Adopted into the household of her uncle, Sir Thomas Bertram, Fanny Price grows up a meek outsider among her cousins in the unaccustomed elegance of Mansfield Park. Soon after Sir Thomas absents himself on estate business in Antigua (the family's[...]Nouveauté
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Jane Austen's great novel of the XVİİİth century English countryside in which well-educated and often not so educated land-owners are analysed pyschologically from their words and deeds.![]()
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La vive et ironique Elizabeth Bennett, qui n'est pas riche, aimera-t-elle le riche et orgueilleux Darcy ? L'épousera-t-elle au mépris des conventions ? Il s'agit du premier roman de Jane Austen, et il est considéré par beaucoup comme son chef-d'[...]![]()
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Step Five B2.2 In 1806, Captain Frederick Wentworth and Miss Anne Elliot fell in love, but since neither of them had any money, Anne’s friend Lady Russell persuaded Anne not to marry the Captain. Eight years later, Anne and Frederick meet again[...]![]()
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Elizabeth Bennet is one of four sisters, all of marriageable age, and her family is being visited by a constant parade of often unsuitable suitors. Most notable among them is the handsome, conceited Mr. Darcy, whose sparring with the lively Eliz[...]![]()
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Level 3 : B1 Intermediate (1500 headwords) Elizabeth Bennet is one of four sisters, all of marriageable age, and her family is being visited by a constant parade of often unsuitable suitors. Most notable among them is the handsome, conceited Mr[...]![]()
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Upper Intermediate (2300 headwords) Elizabeth Bennet is one of four sisters, all of marriageable age, and her family is being visited by a constant parade of often unsuitable suitors. Most notable among them is the handsome, conceited Mr. Darcy[...]![]()
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Stage 6 'The moment I first met you, I noticed your pride, your sense of superiority, and your selfish disdain for the feeings of other. You are the last man in the world whom I could ever be persuaded to marry' said Elizabeth Bennet. And so E[...]![]()
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Jane Austen, Auteur ; Seth Grahame-Smith, Auteur ; Tony Lee, Adaptateur ; Cliff Richards, Illustrateur | New-York : Ballantine Books | 2010It is known as “the strange plague,” and its unfortunate victims are referred to only as “unmentionables” or “dreadfuls.” All over England, the dead are rising again, and now even the daughters of Britain’s best families must devote their lives [...]